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At Plan For Recovery Intelligence, results are our priority. We leverage our combined expertise to deliver effective solutions for your digital asset recovery needs.

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    We offer complimentary consultations in order to determine if our Asset Recovery and Intelligence Services are right for your case. Please feel free to schedule an appointment or leave us a message below.

    Provide us with full information: e.g. 2.0 BTC, 100.15 XRP, 1000.75332 ETH
    Please provide us with information related to lost amount as e.g. one thousand five hundred should be written as 1500 and one million should be written as 1000000
    e.g. the exact day of the hack; the date of sending your assets to a scammer
    e.g. name of exchange, name of wallet, name of the website, name of scam etc.
    e.g. blocked account on exchange, hacked wallet, fake giveaway etc.

    e.g. your deposit wallet address from exchange/hacked wallet address/wallet address from which cryptocurrency was sent to scammer etc. Please do not provide us with a wallet address not associated with the case.
    Otherwise, if you are not the owner of the private keys for the addresses specified above, could you specify what exchange or custodial wallet was used by you in this case? (e.g. Binance, Freewallet, Xapo etc.)
    The address where your cryptocurrency has been sent
    Each blockchain transaction has a unique hash dedicated only for the transaction e.g. hash used for Bitcoin is a 65-digit-hexadecimal number
    Please complete this field if you have deposited or withdrawn fiat from the fraudulent platform/scam service.
    If you have reported your case to Law Enforcement, please let us know the name of the Law Enforcement you reported your case to, the date, and the feedback that you've gotten from them.
    If you have reported your case to any other organization, please let us know the name of the organization, the date, and the feedback you have gotten from them.

    If the Participant is a legal entity or other entity with the capability to undertake legal actions, the above sections (Name, Surname, Birth day, Phone number, Country of residence, Nationality) should be filled by a representative authorised to take part in Programme on its behalf.